I am a huge fan of the word “resource”. To me, it stands for trustworthy, knowledgeable, reliable, and dedicated. All aspects of your...

Better Than You Think
If you a dream-chaser like me, chances are you can be incredibly hard on yourself. Always taking on additional projects, striving for...

When I am asked for some career advice, one thing always comes to mind… Don’t talk to talk. Make sure you add value based on your...

Comfort Zone
I know we have all heard the “get out of your comfort zone” speech at some point in our lives, but the truth is…it’s still just as...

Do It For YOU
If you are anything like me, this quote has become your new best friend, and it’s what you look to when any self-doubt or negative...

Strength, My Darling
Today’s post is my way of saying “don’t give up”, but in a prettier way via Stephanie Bennett-Henry’s quote above. It’s about taking all...