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Work Hard Stay Humble

One of the greatest aspects of my career has been mentoring. Part of it is wanting to see your team succeed but it's also about paying it forward. I was incredibly fortunate to have several talented individuals guide me throughout my career, most of whom I still keep in touch with. I know for a fact that I would not be here without them.

I'm sure you remember being at the Assistant or Associate level...trying to get promoted and thinking it's just never going to happen. That's when having a mentor is essential- someone you trust, you respect, and will help you navigate tough situations.

I received a text this week from one of my mentees- she had been offered a dream job within Merchandising- one that we started working towards almost three years ago. To say I was proud and excited is probably an understatement. Knowing that she stayed the course, was giving it her all everyday, and not complaining about the time it took to get there is a huge accomplishment.

When I received the text I obviously responded with lots of exclamation points but also gave quick advice- promise you will continue to work hard and stay humble. So today, I created the image below with her in mind. I am sending lots of congratulatory love from one merchant to another- yay!

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