One of the best aspects of friends and family reading your work is the feedback you receive once a post is published. Yesterday's quote about waking up and kicking butt apparently wasn't appropriate for a consultant/ business blogger to post, so I am course correcting this morning.
You all know that I am a total work in progress. Which means I am still finding my voice, trying different things, and I am fortunate to have all of you by my side as I take this on. So today is a first for me. I deleted yesterday's photo and have created a new one. It's the same message but a bit toned down. Hopefully it still inspires you to get out there and be your amazing selves.
Monday Rewind...
There is no other quote more appropriate for today. It's Monday, and I don't know about you but the to-do list is a mile long. Let's get through this together and BE AWESOME in the process! Here is to a day filled with check marks, highlights, and a sense of accomplishment when 5pm hits us all. It's go time...